You can quickly and easily cancel appointments in Sign In Scheduling. This guide explains how to do so.
How to find the appointment you'd like to cancel
Video tutorial
How to find the appointment you'd like to cancel
To find the appointment you'd like to cancel, head to your Sign In Scheduling calendar via the left-hand menu.
If you know the date/time of the appointment, use the navigation buttons at the top of the calendar to travel to the correct day. You'll find the appointment there.
Note: you can click on the date range at the top of the screen to bring up a mini calendar which you can use to travel between dates quickly. The week highlighted is the week you're currently viewing.
Your Sign In Scheduling calendar has a built-in search bar at the top right, which you can use to search for the name of the appointment, the customer, the location, etc.
You can also find the appointment through your booking confirmation or reminder emails for that particular appointment if you like. Clicking the 'See in diary' button at the bottom of the email will take you straight to the appointment within your calendar.
How to cancel an appointment
To cancel an appointment, click on it. This will bring up a sidebar on the right.
Then, click on the red trash can at the top of the sidebar. You can then confirm you'd like to delete the appointment by clicking the 'Delete appointment' button at the bottom.
The appointment will then be canceled. The associated customer(s) and staff will be notified.
Note: unticking the 'Send email/SMS' box will mean the cancelation notification will not be sent.
If you'd like cancelled appointments to remain in your calendar, click the settings button in the top-right corner, then click the 'Show cancelled appointments' switch.
When this option is enabled, canceled appointments will remain in your calendar, faded out.
Need more help?
We hope this guide has been helpful! If you have any questions, reach out to our support team who will be more than happy to assist further.