In addition to Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom and Salesforce, Sign In Scheduling integrates with Google Meet. This is a simple and convenient option for online meetings once you've synced your Google calendar to your Sign In Scheduling account.
This guide explains how to connect Google Meet to Sign In Scheduling.
How to connect and enable Google Meet
How to take bookings with Google Meet
How to connect and enable Google Meet
In order to connect Google Meet, you'll need to sync your Google calendar with Sign In Scheduling. Head to 'Manage' > 'Integrations' > 'Connect Apps' > 'Google Calendar' to do this. For step-by-step instructions on how to sync your calendar, click here.
Once your Google calendar sync is active, you'll see the option to enable Google Meet. Click the switch to enable it.
Note: if you have more than one Google calendar synced with Sign In Scheduling, you'll be able to select which Google calendar you'd like to use as your Google Meet host from a drop-down menu.
Once enabled, Sign In Scheduling will confirm the connection with Google Meet.
To disable Google Meet, simply click the switch again. It will show as grey when it's not enabled.
Note: in the screenshots shown above, the calendar name is an email address. If you've named your calendar, you'll see the name of your calendar here rather than the email address it's tied to.
How to take bookings with Google Meet
As Google Meet is an online conferencing tool, it can only be used for appointments hosted at the 'Online/Phone' location.
To take bookings with Google Meet, make sure the service is set to take place at 'Online/Phone'. You can change this by opening the menu for the selected service under 'Manage' > 'Services'.
If you've synced your Google calendar and enabled Google Meet, your bookings for the online service will automatically generate a Google Meet link. To find the meeting link, click on the booking in your calendar. You'll see the link in the right-hand sidebar.
Clicking 'Join with Google Meet' will send you straight to the meeting room. To copy the meeting link for later use or to pass it on, click on the 'Copy link' button.
The Google Meet link can also be found in the booking confirmation email. Customers and staff can join the Google meeting via the email by clicking the 'Join with Google Meet' button.
Note: if an email from Sign In Scheduling contains a Google Meet link, the email will only be sent once the Google Meet link has been successfully created and synced with Sign In Scheduling. This can take up to a couple of minutes, so the email might appear as 'Sending...' until the Google Meet link has been synced. You don't need to take any action.
Things to note
The Google Meet integration works only with google email addresses and requires an active calendar sync with your Google calendar.
If you've enabled Google Meet in Sign In Scheduling on a Google calendar, you won't be able to disable the calendar sync for that particular Google calendar before disabling Google Meet first.
If you've also connected Zoom and/or Microsoft Teams, Sign In Scheduling will prioritize those over Google Meet. For online bookings, Sign In Scheduling will seek to create a Zoom link first. If that's not possible, it will try to generate a Microsoft Teams link instead. If those can't be created, it will then generate a Google Meet link. If Google Meet is the only conferencing tool you've connected, Sign In Scheduling will automatically generate Google Meet links first.
If you have more than one conferencing software connected to Sign In Scheduling, you can choose to select a conferencing tool preference for your customers. By doing this, you are instructing Sign In Scheduling to prioritize the preferred selection over others. To do this, head to the 'Customers' tab in the left-hand menu, then click on the customer's name. Select Google Meet from the 'Video conferencing' drop-down. Changes will save automatically.
Need more help?
We hope this guide has been helpful! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team who will be happy to assist.